Friday, December 17, 2010

Broomhead / Snyder at the Hudson Valley Holiday

Broomhead / Snyder will be appearing (under the name Cakewalk w/Crazy Feet Pete Redmond) at the Hudson Valley Holiday local artists sale at MaMa in Stone Ridge.

We'll be doing mostly standards / swing tunes, some light pop / rock, and mixing in some electronica nonsense... :) 4-9PM, give or take, Friday, December 17th.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Improvisations 3-- 11 April, 2010

Korg Triton Extreme -> Roland SP-404
Novation XioSynth

Roland HPD-10 Handsonic
Korg Kaossilator
Akai MPC500

Recorded live to two-track on April 11, 2010, at Studio Snyder

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stay Tuned

We've been taking a bit of a winter break, but we'll be back soon with new recordings and live dates... so stay tuned!